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    Your order from Oxford Tailor is totally free of any risk. You will be provided assistance by our customer service if you face any issue regarding the fit. All orders are covered by our perfect fit guarantee.

    We believe in providing satisfaction to our customers with our product. We guarantee to deliver a custom-made shirt which fits you perfectly. In an unlikely event, if you are not fully satisfied with our shirt we’ll make you a new one. Or else, your money will be refunded in a period of 30 days once we receive your return.

    Note that this refund guarantee applies to your first shirt purchase (one shirt only) so that you can try our service risk-free. Different return policy applies to return customers subject to our terms and conditions.

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    We will be glad to remake other garments such as suits and pants until you are satisfied. We strongly recommend you provide custom measurements. We want to work with you to produce a garment that fits you perfectly and you feel good in. You can read our returns policy in full under our terms and conditions.

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    If you feel that we have not achieved this, we’d really value your feedback. That way we can refine our systems to serve you better. You will be provided assistance by our customer service if you face any issue regarding the fit. Our staffs are also there to assist you with your purchase. Send us an email anytime and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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